Thursday 5 April 2012

Negativity is good, negativity is right - or a clear view from inside

Negativity is good, negativity is right
From Robert Sayles writing in The Publican’s Morning Advertiser (PMA)

Picking up on my last piece about the destruction of that iconic British institution – the British Public House as exemplified by Russell at The Devon & Cornwall in Millbrook.


Its good to see that although I find my words falling on deaf ears much of the time, when I get started on the demise of the British pub, it’s heartening to know that within the trade publicans can really support each other when they're not competing to be the last pub in the village.

Significant in this story as pointed out in a subsequent PMA Forum post is that of the other pubs in the village, one is ‘Free of Tie’ and the other is  also a Punch Taverns pub being operated rent free under a management agreement. Hardly the level playing field that the government seems to think it is.

If you haven’t read Robert’s piece in the PMA now’s the time to do it.
Negativity is good, negativity is right

Hang in there if you can Russell.

Picture taken 12/5/2011 20:58 – The Cornish Wreckers Morris side outside Russell's ‘The Devon and Cornwall’

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