Wednesday 5 December 2007

A Broadband Saga

How open and reachable is BT Openreach?

Who took the service out of the telephone service?

Why does it take Pipex 5 days to provide a MAC code?

Why should you want to migrate your broadband if it hurts so much?

These and other questions will be answered soon.


Anonymous said...

At the risk of being can Pipex give a "MAC code", when MAC stands for "migrate away code". Calling it a MAC code is tautologous because what it says is "migrate away code code". This is also true when you hear people say "PIN number"...."Personal Identification Number number". Just being (un)helpful. He he he.

BathNick said...

At the risk of being my being apedant, I have to take issue with your use of the word 'tautologous'. Patently invented, as the adjective from tautology is 'tautological' but thanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

Chamber's dictionary gives tautologous as the correct adjective from the noun , tautology. Tautological is also a derived adjective. Both valid; quitsies?