Monday, 23 December 2013

Montol Eve

The journey down from Bath was gloriously uneventful. Barring the unfortunate child 3 seats back, bored literally to tears, who boarded the train with us in Bath and at St Austell  left us to enjoy the final few miles. With the dubious Christmas songs from further down the carriage, we ran down from St Erth and in to Penzance.

Montol on December 21st is a recently revived festival of the Winter Solstice.

We joined the parade up to the prehistoric Lescudjack Hill Fort where the 'Lord of Misrule' lit the beacon fire an dances were performed.

With a gale of some 40 mph blowing the dry timber in the beacon didn't last long before being blown through the lee of the basket. The walk back down to town was a much less ordered affair and we left the group at Leskinnick Street to enjoy a fine pint of the Cornish Crown Brewery's Porter in the Crown.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Tum-tee-tum - Heavens - Do I have a blogspot?

For no other good reason than, Site Meter has reminded me that I have a fallen readership (5 hits last week), I am writing these few words to wake up the search engines to the fact only checking back once per day is probably not sufficient, should I recommence my pursuit of literary fame.
Needless to say, Twitter seems to have attracted me away from the more formal blogging in favour of random 140 character 'tweets' with the monicker @thenctoo.
In a vague attempt to push my total hit count up from the current 9066 to a 5 digit number, I feel perhaps I'll pursue this writing thing a little further.
Keep your eye on these pages.....